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Express Insurance

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Longwood, FL 32779

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Discovering the Niche Coverage Your Business Needs

Do you have the necessary commercial insurance to protect your business’s financial security if you run a business in Longwood, FL? In this blog, we at Express Insurance will introduce you to various types of niche coverage. This will help business owners build a commercial insurance package that fully safeguards their business.

Commercial Insurance Niches

Commercial insurance encompasses many types of niche coverage, including boiler insurance and glass coverage, each of which protects a physical part of the building. Business interruption coverage, another type of niche coverage, provides funds to pay salaries and cover bills when a peril disrupts daily business operations. Other types of niche coverage include:

  • Surety
  • Fidelity bond
  • Home-based business
  • Workers Compensation
  • Errors and omissions
  • Employers liability
  • Product liability
  • Key person coverage
  • Business owners’ policy (BOP)

Some businesses need specific types of coverage due to their size or type of employees. Other types of niche coverage protect specific types of businesses, such as home-based businesses that maintain an inventory.

Certain professions require specific policies or policy packages. Lawyers and doctors, for example, need malpractice coverage. Other professions, such as hair salon owners, massage therapists, estheticians, child care providers, and building owners who rent their premises for special events, also have specialty or niche policies.

Take the Guesswork Out of Buying Commercial Insurance

Don’t let your Longwood, FL, business go without the insurance coverage it needs. Call or email Express Insurance today to discuss your business’s insurance needs with an agent. Let us help you identify which policies your business needs so you only buy what you need.

How Home Insurance Policies Are Impacted by Home Renovations in Longwood, FL

Owning a home in Longwood, FL, allows you to enjoy the beautiful, lush, and inviting scenery almost all year round. However, if you plan to upgrade or conduct major renovations to your home, it’s crucial to understand how these changes may affect your home insurance policies. Since renovations can fundamentally alter your property’s foundation, structure, value, and risk, adjustments may be necessary to ensure adequate and optimized coverage.

How Renovations Impact Home Insurance Policies in Longwood, FL

Renovations can impact home insurance policies for several reasons:

  • New Risks: Introducing new risks, such as brand-new electrical systems or even an outdoor pool, increases the potential liability risks on your property. This will typically result in an increase in coverage requirements and costs.
  • Coverage Needs: When you invest in new upgrades, such as a modernized roof for your home, you may receive a discount on your insurance policy. However, new upgrades, such as a hot tub, swimming pool, or even a home addition, may increase insurance rates.
  • Home Value: As your home’s value increases, you may need to update your existing home insurance policy. For instance, if you add more square footage to your home, repair your home’s foundation, or incorporate eco-friendly appliances throughout your kitchen and bathrooms, the replacement cost of your home will rise. In most cases, this will require additional coverage.

If you’re interested in reviewing your current homeowners’ insurance policy due to recent renovations, Express Insurance in Longwood, FL, can help. As a trusted and experienced provider, we assist homeowners in navigating insurance adjustments after renovations, additions, and various upgrades throughout the home. Contact Express Insurance today for more information about your existing home insurance policy and potential adjustments you may need for current or future renovations.

What Type of Car Insurance Covers Weather Damages?

If you are a car owner in Florida, purchasing auto insurance is a necessity. For those residing in Longwood, FL, our team at Express Insurance is prepared to guide you through our extensive range of auto insurance options. With over 17 years of experience, we have been providing insurance solutions to clients in your area.

What Type of Car Insurance Covers Weather Damages?

Weather conditions can often cause significant damage to your vehicle. As per Kelly Blue Book, damages caused by hurricanes, floods, or fallen trees require the right insurance coverage to avoid out-of-pocket expenses. This is where comprehensive coverage comes into play. Comprehensive coverage caters to all non-accident damage, including weather-related damage.

Kelly Blue Book states that Florida frequently experiences hurricanes, which can severely damage your vehicle. If your car is parked near a tree or a telephone pole that falls on it, it can result in exterior dents, engine damage, and broken windows. Hailstorms can also cause holes in your car’s exterior. While comprehensive coverage isn’t mandatory in Florida, it’s evident why it would benefit Floridians to opt for this coverage.

Contact Us Today for Your Appointment

Whether you are looking for a new auto insurance policy or want to add coverage to your existing one, our Express Insurance team can help you find the best options tailored to your needs. We will review your information to identify any available discounts. Residents of Longwood, FL, can trust us with their insurance needs. Contact us today to discuss your auto insurance options.

What to do After a Natural Disaster: Filing Insurance Claims in Florida

In a split second, everything you own and cherish can be taken from you due to a natural disaster. Your world can be turned upside down in the blink of an eye. While you may not be able to recover all of your family heirlooms or household items that hold significant meaning, one thing you should not have to worry about is filing an insurance claim in Longwood, FL. Here are some simple steps you can take to make an insurance claim when disaster strikes.

Call Your Agent

The first step in making a claim is to inform your insurance agent about what happened. These skilled professionals can help put you at ease by explaining what to expect during the process. If you are relocated, provide your agent with the address and phone number of your temporary location.

Keep All Receipts

If repairs need to be made before your insurance adjuster can inspect your home, keep all the receipts for materials purchased. You should be able to get reimbursed for most repairs you have had to make to the home.

Make a List

Your agent will need a list of all damaged items to ensure you get properly compensated. If you have pictures of these items, along with the receipts, it can be extremely helpful in helping the adjuster determine the value of each item. Having this list can also help close the claim much quicker than not having these records.

Do you need an insurance agent in Longwood, FL? Express Insurance is here to help.

Our trusted agents are here to help you with whatever life throws at you, whether you need renter, homeowner, or auto insurance. Call us today for more information.

Handling Home Damage from Hurricane Helene

Floridians know that inland towns, like coastal towns, sustain hurricane damage. The type of damage varies, but some homes in Longwood, FL, sustained damage from Hurricane Helene.

This fair city is surrounded by lakes and creeks—Bear Creek Lake, Lake Mary, Lake Jessup, and Sailor’s Creek, among them. The recent rains from Helene caused rising water flooding, and its gale-force winds damaged the area. Today, Express Insurance addresses the steps homeowners in Longwood need to follow to file their homeowners’ insurance claims and start the cleanup and restoration process.

Starting the Cleanup Process

The aftermath of any disaster feels overwhelming. Your agents at Express Insurance understand the frustration and sadness of seeing destruction done to your home; we experienced it, too, because everyone at Express lives in the Orlando metropolitan area, too. We empathize with you and your situation. Here are our industry insider tips on how to quickly and effectively file your claim and obtain cleanup payments.

  1. Document your situation. Take photos and videos of damage to your home and belongings. Make an inventory of your belongings, their cost, and how long you’ve owned them.
  2. File a claim with your insurance company using its website or mobile app. Put all contact in writing via email and apps. This provides you with a written record if you need to refute an adjuster’s mistake or go to court. Mention any needed emergency repairs, such as roof patching, that would prevent further damage and make your home safer.
  3. You can file a claim for assistance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) using the forms on its website. This federal assistance covers items like rising water flood damage that homeowners’ insurance does not cover.
  4. Meet with your insurance adjuster. Answer all of their questions, walk through the property with them, and show them photos you took of the fresh damage.
  5. Begin the repair process. Many homeowners want to make repairs immediately, but waiting for the insurance adjuster’s visit works best. Some homeowners pay out of pocket for emergency repairs while they wait for the insurance company to cut a check or direct deposit funds.

Here’s an extra tip. Avoid the temptation to throw out damaged items. Move them to an area of the yard where they can dry and not attract bugs. The adjuster needs to see them, and you need to remove them so they don’t cause further damage. For example, remove a rug that has become inundated with water so it won’t contribute to mold or mildew development.

Contact Express Insurance Today

We understand the challenges some Longwood, FL, homeowners face right now, especially those with lakefront and creekfront homes. Contact us today to begin your claim. The sooner you file your paperwork, the quicker we can send an adjuster to your home and process your insurance claim. Let’s build Florida together, Longwood!

Why is Liability the Law in Auto Insurance

Understanding the Importance of Liability Coverage

Most states, including Longwood, FL, legally require liability coverage. Its primary role is to protect others in case of an accident. If a driver causes a crash resulting in damage to another vehicle or property or injures another person, liability insurance covers the repair cost or medical expenses within policy limits. It ensures someone else’s actions don’t financially burden the injured party.

Without mandatory liability coverage, accident victims would have to bear the cost of damages from their pockets or resort to legal action to recover compensation. This could create significant financial stress and delay compensation.

Promoting Financial Responsibility

Liability insurance laws aim to encourage financial responsibility among drivers. Accidents can lead to hefty expenses, covering medical bills, vehicle repairs, and legal fees. By enforcing liability insurance, the law ensures drivers have the means to cover these costs, relieving them from depending on personal assets, which often prove insufficient.

Moreover, a liability insurance requirement helps reduce society’s financial burden. In its absence, the costs of accidents may fall on public assistance programs or perpetuate long-drawn legal disputes.

Why Liability Insurance is Mandatory

Liability auto insurance is mandated to ensure every driver can cover the costs of accidents they cause. It safeguards other drivers and pedestrians and maintains fairness and accountability on the roads. This requirement keeps the financial responsibility of driving manageable for everyone involved.

Get a Better Understanding of Insurance with Express Insurance

Express Insurance provides comprehensive information around insurance needs. Serving locations in and around Longwood, FL, we’re just a call away for all your insurance requirements.

What Types of Insurance Do Small Businesses Need?

You need to protect your business’s assets if you are a business owner. Purchasing commercial insurance will protect your property, your employees, and your financial assets. If your business is in the Longwood, FL, area, you can contact our team at Express Insurance to discuss your commercial insurance needs. We’ve been handling commercial and personal insurance policies since 2003.

Small business owners should be aware of the types of insurance they need. According to Nerd Wallet, a business can be defined as a “small business” with 500 employees or fewer – and its annual income is less than $7.5 million. One of the most vital types of commercial insurance is liability insurance. Liability insurance will protect your company’s assets if someone sues your company for personal and property damages.

Types of Commercial Insurance in Florida

The building where your company operates is a very valuable asset. To protect your building from damage, you’ll need property insurance. This insurance will protect your company from damage to your building, fire, weather, or other disaster-related events. Most policies also protect against vandalism.

If a disaster significantly damages your building, you won’t be able to operate your company while waiting for building repair. You need business interruption services to help you stay financially afloat during that waiting period. This policy will pay your estimated lost earnings for the affected period.

Call Express Insurance for Florida Commercial Insurance Options

Regardless of the size of your business, commercial insurance would help. When you talk with one of our agents, you can confirm whether your insurance needs are current. Businesses in the Longwood, FL, area can protect themselves and their employees. Call Express Insurance for an appointment today, and we’ll help you do business with confidence.

Your Roof And Your Florida Home Insurance

Florida home insurance has become interesting, challenging, frustrating, and evolving over the past several years.

The changes have been blamed on litigation, fraud, climate change, politics, and a lack of choices. If you own a home in the Longwood, FL, and Central Florida areas and have been challenged by changes in home insurance, here are some things to know from Express Insurance.

Yes, Roofing Rules Have Changed

Traditional asphalt roofs in Florida have been determined to have a lifespan of just 15 years. If your roof is approaching 15 years of age or older, an insurance company may ask that the roof be replaced before insuring it.

Partial Roof Replacements

Florida regulations allow for roofs to be repaired when they may have been replaced previously.

What Happens if You Drop Homeowners Insurance in Florida

If you have a mortgage, your mortgage company likely requires you to carry homeowner’s insurance. If you allow homeowners insurance to lapse while you have a mortgage, your insurance company can “force place” coverage on your home. This is often extremely expensive coverage when compared to getting coverage on your own.

You Still Have Options

Even in Florida, there are still options for homeowners insurance, and Express Insurance of Longwood, FL, may be able to help. There may be alternatives to increasing deductibles or carrying separate “hurricane” protection. Contact us to discuss your central Florida home and your options.

If you think your only course of action is to self-insure or “go naked” without coverage, we encourage you to call Express Insurance of Longwood, FL.

The Dangers of Central Florida Driving

If you reside in Central Florida communities such as Maitland, Sanford, Lake Mary, or Longwood, FL, you’re well acquainted with the pleasures of driving in this region of the Sunshine State.

At Express Insurance, we frequently witness the difficulties of navigating our local roadways firsthand. Here are a few reasons why driving in this region can pose challenges.

Toll Roads are Abundant

Florida has the highest number of toll roads in the country. This can create unforeseen challenges when driving in and around toll zones.

Diverse Driving Population

Central Florida serves as a melting pot of drivers with varying driving styles from across the country and around the planet.

Adapting to New Express Lanes

We’re all still adapting to the best ways to utilize I-4’s new express lanes. While some people treat these lanes as if they’re without speed limits, it’s crucial to note that they aren’t.

Sudden Heavy Showers

Heavy tropical-style rain and windstorms can surface abruptly, causing disruption on the roads.

Flat Roadways with Poor Drainage

Central Florida’s roads are flat and have a slow drainage system, particularly following heavy rain. If drivers aren’t cautious, this can lead to water pooling and potential hydroplaning.

Unfamiliarity with Rental Cars

Many drivers navigate through using rental cars they’re not familiar with, which can lead to unpredictable driving behaviors, especially in inclement weather, heavy traffic, fog, or darkness.

Elderly Drivers

Florida remains a popular destination for American seniors to retire. While most drive safely, they may not always be in a rush.

It’s Not Just Your Perception

No, it’s not just in your head — Central Florida roads can indeed present formidable driving conditions and challenges. The best remedy is to ensure you’re adequately protected with car insurance from Express Insurance. We proudly serve the Longwood, FL community. Don’t forget to inquire about enhancing your coverage with uninsured motorist protection. Request a free, no-obligation quote today.

Umbrella Insurance Coverage for A New Business

An umbrella insurance policy will provide extra coverage, protecting your new place of business from financial loss.


The following list highlights some items that an umbrella insurance policy would cover.

  • Legal expenses
  • Medical bills (hospital and doctor’s office visits)
  • Judgments and settlements
  • Property rehabilitation expenses

Optional Coverage

Umbrella insurance coverage is optional. An umbrella policy absorbs costs that standard insurance products don’t handle. As a new business owner, you may have decided to purchase some basic insurance products. The insurance products will protect your assets in most cases.

If you are ever faced with a legal battle, however, the basic insurance coverage you have obtained may not handle all the expenses you are responsible for. In this type of situation, umbrella insurance coverage would kick in and pay for the expenses that the primary business insurance doesn’t cover.

Risk Assessment

Performing a risk assessment may indicate whether obtaining an umbrella insurance policy would be wise. Your risk assessment should include evaluating your equipment and determining the likelihood of an accident occurring at your place of business.

If a large number of risks are uncovered during the assessment, you may decide to invest in an umbrella insurance policy.

For example, if potentially dangerous machinery or substances are used in your place of business, you may be concerned about injuries. This may persuade you to purchase an umbrella policy providing extra protection.

Contact Express Insurance

Contact one of our insurance agents serving Longwood, FL. At Express Insurance, you can review umbrella policies that will provide your new business with plenty of liability protection.