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Discovering the Niche Coverage Your Business Needs

Do you have the necessary commercial insurance to protect your business’s financial security if you run a business in Longwood, FL? In this blog, we at Express Insurance will introduce you to various types of niche coverage. This will help business owners build a commercial insurance package that fully safeguards their business.

Commercial Insurance Niches

Commercial insurance encompasses many types of niche coverage, including boiler insurance and glass coverage, each of which protects a physical part of the building. Business interruption coverage, another type of niche coverage, provides funds to pay salaries and cover bills when a peril disrupts daily business operations. Other types of niche coverage include:

  • Surety
  • Fidelity bond
  • Home-based business
  • Workers Compensation
  • Errors and omissions
  • Employers liability
  • Product liability
  • Key person coverage
  • Business owners’ policy (BOP)

Some businesses need specific types of coverage due to their size or type of employees. Other types of niche coverage protect specific types of businesses, such as home-based businesses that maintain an inventory.

Certain professions require specific policies or policy packages. Lawyers and doctors, for example, need malpractice coverage. Other professions, such as hair salon owners, massage therapists, estheticians, child care providers, and building owners who rent their premises for special events, also have specialty or niche policies.

Take the Guesswork Out of Buying Commercial Insurance

Don’t let your Longwood, FL, business go without the insurance coverage it needs. Call or email Express Insurance today to discuss your business’s insurance needs with an agent. Let us help you identify which policies your business needs so you only buy what you need.