If you reside in Central Florida communities such as Maitland, Sanford, Lake Mary, or Longwood, FL, you’re well acquainted with the pleasures of driving in this region of the Sunshine State.
At Express Insurance, we frequently witness the difficulties of navigating our local roadways firsthand. Here are a few reasons why driving in this region can pose challenges.
Toll Roads are Abundant
Florida has the highest number of toll roads in the country. This can create unforeseen challenges when driving in and around toll zones.
Diverse Driving Population
Central Florida serves as a melting pot of drivers with varying driving styles from across the country and around the planet.
Adapting to New Express Lanes
We’re all still adapting to the best ways to utilize I-4’s new express lanes. While some people treat these lanes as if they’re without speed limits, it’s crucial to note that they aren’t.
Sudden Heavy Showers
Heavy tropical-style rain and windstorms can surface abruptly, causing disruption on the roads.
Flat Roadways with Poor Drainage
Central Florida’s roads are flat and have a slow drainage system, particularly following heavy rain. If drivers aren’t cautious, this can lead to water pooling and potential hydroplaning.
Unfamiliarity with Rental Cars
Many drivers navigate through using rental cars they’re not familiar with, which can lead to unpredictable driving behaviors, especially in inclement weather, heavy traffic, fog, or darkness.
Elderly Drivers
Florida remains a popular destination for American seniors to retire. While most drive safely, they may not always be in a rush.
It’s Not Just Your Perception
No, it’s not just in your head — Central Florida roads can indeed present formidable driving conditions and challenges. The best remedy is to ensure you’re adequately protected with car insurance from Express Insurance. We proudly serve the Longwood, FL community. Don’t forget to inquire about enhancing your coverage with uninsured motorist protection. Request a free, no-obligation quote today.